Upon reaching level 20, the class will earn a Completion Bonus, which is a permanent, passive stat boost that applies to the Main Character regardless of the current class. Your class represents your choice of profession, dictating what types of weapons and skills you can use.Įach class can be leveled up to 20, earning skills and passive bonuses along the way. In addition, the logo was also updated ◊ and no longer contained the game's Japanese title as compared to the old version ◊.About classes | Class list | Skill list | Extended Mastery | Master Level | Ultimate Mastery

They dropped the word "Project" and normalized "Re:Link" into a single word. Working Title: The game was initially labeled Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link until November 2018, in which Cygames trademarked the game's final title.This would then resolve a question among the fandom whether or not Cygames would develop from scratch after Platinum's contract ended according to the producer, they have caught up with the development pace by having more members in the team, and that Cygames will continue with what Platinum left behind on February 2019. They have inherited the progress made in cooperation with PlatinumGames and they won't make any drastic changes from what the collaboration produced. Word of God: In a Famitsu interview during the mobile game's 5th Anniversary on March 2019, Relink is being mainly developed by Cygames Osaka.Her design is eventually incorporated as a costume that Gran/Djeeta will wear in Relink in the future (as Blue looked a heck of a lot like Djeeta in the first place). What Could Have Been: It was revealed in a December 2020 livestream that there originally would've been a new protagonist named "Blue" as the lead character of Relink who has a design based on Djeeta, only for her to be scrapped after it was determined that Gran/Djeeta could lead a game as their own character.And as mentioned in Schedule Slip, the game was initially planned to be released on 2018. Other signs are a seeming shift in the game's plot (the 2018 gameplay footage has a playable Gran when him being out of action was originally pitched as a major plot point) and the fact that the game no longer has Platinum's logo nor is the game listed on Platinum's site something unusual for a studio that merely finished their role. Troubled Production: PlatinumGames had originally signed on to co-develop the game with Cygames around 2016, but they left the project entirely in February 2019, leaving the latter to handle the rest of development, with a public released statement mentioning that their contract for the game has ended.The game was pushed back again to 2023 stating that more time was needed for debugging, balancing, and polishing.

From the live stream presentation on December 12th 2020, it was revealed that Relink is slated for release sometime in 2022 and that the build that was shown was still in the alpha phase of development.The 2016 Djeeta Reveal Trailer, and an interview from the director reveals that Relink was supposed to have a release window on 2018 but was delayed because of an expanded scope, a common cause for Troubled Production, and that Cygames doesn't want to rush the project just to meet the initial deadline.Schedule Slip: Due to the game's very early announcement in development, the game has frequently had to push back its release date.Creator Backlash: In an interview with Director Fukuhara on January 2020, he expresses that Relink was announced way too early, thus making players wait for a long time, and it isn't good.