Such surgeries are usually done as outpatient procedures - that is, you won’t need to stay in a hospital overnight. You’ll generally have either general or regional anesthesia for surgery. If this membrane isn’t removed from between the bone fragments, the fracture may not heal, and a nonunion fracture could develop. This is because the lining of the bone, called the periosteum, will fold into the fracture site at the time of injury, which won’t be seen on an X-ray. Most medial fractures require surgery even in minimal displaced fractures (in which there is 2 millimeters or more of separation of the fracture fragments). You may be given antibiotics to prevent infection, especially if there is an external wound. If the fracture is more serious, you may be given a fracture brace (boot) or cast. The realigning of the bones without surgery is known as closed reduction.Ī splint will then be applied to help keep the bones straight while they heal. If there’s any damage to nerves or blood vessels, an orthopedic specialist will need to reset the damaged bones as soon as possible. You may be treated with a short leg cast or a removable brace. Less severe fractures will be treated by conservative (nonsurgical) treatment. If a fracture is detected, it doesn’t mean you’ll need surgery. Time of travel to an emergency room would also be taken into account. This is to prevent injury to the soft tissues that may cause a delay of surgery, or worse damage.Ī darkening of the color of the foot, indicating restriction of blood flow, is one sign that such a measure may be needed. If there’s obvious internal damage and dislocation of the joint, an emergency physician or paramedic may attempt to set (reduce) the joint on the spot. If fracture is suspected, emergency medical personnel will stabilize the ankle with a splint.

Learn more about first aid for broken bones and fractures. Icing isn’t recommended for a serious fracture with dislocation, as the cold could injure the soft tissues. If there is a wound, it should be covered with wet sterile gauze. It’s important to seek emergency treatment quickly when an ankle fracture of any type is suspected. But, a small number of fractures may be missed when the Ottawa rules are followed. Studies have shown that following the Ottawa ankle rules catches the vast majority of ankle bone fractures, and saves money and time in the emergency room. The Ottawa ankle rules also help determine whether X-rays of the foot are needed as well.

Stress fractures of the medial malleolus can be hard to detect.Īnkle fractures are among the most common fractures in adults, and the medial malleolus is often involved.
When the bone develops a crack or breaks, but the parts don’t move away from each other, it’s called a “stress” or hairline fracture. It may also involve injury to a ligament of the leg. But a medial malleolus fracture is more often part of a compound injury involving one or both of the other ankle parts. When a medial malleolus fracture occurs by itself, it’s called an “isolated” fracture. The other two are the lateral and the posterior malleolus. The medial malleolus is the largest of the three bone segments that form your ankle. It’s actually not a separate bone, but the end of your larger leg bone - the tibia, or shinbone. You probably know the medial malleolus as the bump that protrudes on the inner side of your ankle.